Since this is the last show of the year, I give out the Vertigo Awards. There isn't any news but there is a contest at Vertigo's blog so go and enter it.
Happy Holidays and all that.
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Sunday, December 27
Sunday, December 20
Episode 44: Too Tired
It's been a long, weary week but I managed to scrounge up enough energy to do an episode. That being the case, I only brush upon my week, which does mean that I actually do manage to stay on topic. This might be the one show where I spend most of the time talking about comics.
There's a bit of news this week before I delve into one of my favorite Lucifer trades—Lucifer: Crux (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
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There's a bit of news this week before I delve into one of my favorite Lucifer trades—Lucifer: Crux (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
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comic books,
mike carey,
peter gross,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, December 13
Episode 43: Something Kinda Vertigo
I'm glad to announce that I have a new Vertigo themed intro thanks to the rock duo from Wednesday Heroes. I know I said Wednesday Comics during the show. Go check them out. I also talk about my disappointment with the ending of Dragon Age Origins. Since it's the holiday season, I talk about what other technological gadgets I want to buy.
Surprisingly, there's no news this week but that's all right since I dive right into The Sandman Presents: The Dead Boy Detectives (Ed Brubaker, Bryan Talbot).
Wednesday Heroes:
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Surprisingly, there's no news this week but that's all right since I dive right into The Sandman Presents: The Dead Boy Detectives (Ed Brubaker, Bryan Talbot).
Wednesday Heroes:
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Bryan Talbot,
comic books,
Ed Brubaker,
Sunday, December 6
Episode 42: Burn Baby Burn
After a holiday break, I'm back baby! I talk about the new TV I just bought. Bigger is better. I also talk about watching a game as if I had courtside seats. Lastly, I talk about my Thanksgiving Day and how I watched a house burn.
There's only a wee bit of news before I go over Lucifer: The Wolf Beneath the Tree (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
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There's only a wee bit of news before I go over Lucifer: The Wolf Beneath the Tree (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
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comic books,
mike carey,
peter gross,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, November 22
Episode 41: Blame It On the Alcohol
Before I take a little holiday break, I talk about the Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto fight or beatdown, I saw last week. I also talk about the rather derivative new show V.
There's not much news when it comes to Vertigo but there are a lot of preview pages up. Get your preorders ready. For some reason I picked a book about a subject that I know little about since I have no vices or addictions—The Alcoholic (Jonathan Ames, Dean Haspiel).
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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There's not much news when it comes to Vertigo but there are a lot of preview pages up. Get your preorders ready. For some reason I picked a book about a subject that I know little about since I have no vices or addictions—The Alcoholic (Jonathan Ames, Dean Haspiel).
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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Dean Haspiel,
Jonathan Ames,
The Alcoholic,
Sunday, November 15
Episode 40: Lesbian Gaming Sex
I thought this was going to be a short episode because I just got a video game I wanted to play—Dragon Age: Origins. I was wrong. In lieu of playing, I talk about the game and give a somewhat spoiler free 20 minute review on my first Bioware game and talk about the choices I've made in that game.
I do eventually go over some Vertigo news and talk about Lucifer: Exodus (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
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I do eventually go over some Vertigo news and talk about Lucifer: Exodus (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
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mike carey,
peter gross,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, November 8
Episode 39: Closely Knit Bunch
This episode I talk about what a bust Halloween was. Where were the kids? Luckily, I did finish Ghostbusters 3. I spout my love over the greatest magical device—my new GPS. Lastly, I go over my experience meeting a couple of podcasters and authors.
There's only one bit of news item before I talk about Deadenders: Stealing the Sun (Ed Brubaker, Warren Pleece).
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There's only one bit of news item before I talk about Deadenders: Stealing the Sun (Ed Brubaker, Warren Pleece).
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Ed Brubaker,
Vertigo comics,
Warren Pleece
Saturday, October 31
Episode 38: Halloween Special
Happy Halloween! I'm joined throughout the show with musical interludes by everyone's favorite cat. I talk about my various Halloween experiences throughout the years, give a little background on Vertigo/DCU's Lucifer Morningstar and try to use a oujia board for the first time.
There's some news about future Vertigo titles. Lastly, I go over Lucifer: Mansions of the Silence (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
Candy, candy, candy, candy, candy.
Horror in comics:
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There's some news about future Vertigo titles. Lastly, I go over Lucifer: Mansions of the Silence (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
Candy, candy, candy, candy, candy.
Horror in comics:
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mike carey,
peter gross,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, October 25
Episode 37: Negro What? Negro Who?
This week I'm joined by Shawn Pryor of PKD Media. We spend our time have a good time talking about movies and video games especially those of our youth. Eventually, we talk about the news and Incognegro (Mat Johnson, Warren Pleece).
Because of the nature of the book, we get into various aspects of race especially that of the black culture. If you ever wanted to get insights into such things this show is the for you. If you're prone to anger, very PC, or don't like to talk about such things or even think about them, this is NOT the show for you.
Check out PKD Media at:
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Because of the nature of the book, we get into various aspects of race especially that of the black culture. If you ever wanted to get insights into such things this show is the for you. If you're prone to anger, very PC, or don't like to talk about such things or even think about them, this is NOT the show for you.
Check out PKD Media at:
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Mat Johnson,
Warren Pleece
Saturday, October 17
Episode 36: On to the Next One
Things are a little crazy this episode as I sing, rap, and act. I'm a man of many talents. Of course, that's not really different from any other show. I talk about cheap DVDs and those wacky Warriors.
There's also a ton of news about the upcoming Vertigo series coming to the screen—big and small, and the repackaging of the series.
Lastly, I do talk about comics with this week's pick being Lucifer: Inferno (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
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There's also a ton of news about the upcoming Vertigo series coming to the screen—big and small, and the repackaging of the series.
Lastly, I do talk about comics with this week's pick being Lucifer: Inferno (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
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mike carey,
peter gross,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, October 11
Episode 35: I'm Through With Girls!
I'm back doing a normal episode and feeling re-energized! So I'm going to give it my all. Or it could be the fact that like every man alive, girls have gotten under my skin. Because of that I talk about the difference between women and girls and why I'd rather just deal with women. I also talk about going to a good comic shop, the greatest movie I've seen in awhile—Religulous, and why I'm not in the Rock Band: Beatles demographic.
Lastly, I give a quick review of Sweet Tooth #1 and then talk about the beautiful book Madame Xanadu: Disenchanted (Matt Wagner, Amy Hadley).
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Lastly, I give a quick review of Sweet Tooth #1 and then talk about the beautiful book Madame Xanadu: Disenchanted (Matt Wagner, Amy Hadley).
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Amy Hadley,
Madame Xanadu,
Matt Wagner,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, October 4
Episode 34: Interview with Karen Berger
This week, I'm very pleased to be able to interview Karen Berger, Executive Editor of Vertigo comics. She talks about the new Vertigo Crime Line and the direction Vertigo is going in.
There's also a contest at Vertigo's blog. Make sure you check it out even if you will be competing with me.
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There's also a contest at Vertigo's blog. Make sure you check it out even if you will be competing with me.
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karen berger,
Vertigo comics
Saturday, September 26
Episode 33: Hopes and Disappointments
I talk about why I stayed up until 6 am hence the reason why I'm yawning a lot this episode. I was reading a damn good book and finishing off a damn fine trilogy. I know I know. I live an exciting life. I also talk about the fall TV season, football and unplugging from the Internet.
There's a lot of news but nothing groundbreaking and I finally go over the modern-day fable Cairo (G. Willow Wilson, M.K. Perker).
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There's a lot of news but nothing groundbreaking and I finally go over the modern-day fable Cairo (G. Willow Wilson, M.K. Perker).
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g. willow wilson,
m.k. perker,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, September 20
Episode 32: The Divine Interruption
Forgive the interruption but a certain someone who has been all over the TV and websites, has now dropped by my podcast. Don't worry I took care of him.
Because of my night owl ways, I record this a bit late. I'm also feeling a bit loose and loopy and I sing a bit more than I should. I talk about the rather overrated Hangover and Patrick Swayze's death and how I once thought Dirty Dancing was real. What do you want from me? I was a kid.
There's barely any news before I talk about possibly my favorite trade of the series, Lucifer: The Divine Comedy (Mike Carey, Peter Gross). It is divine but I don't know what's so comedic about it.
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Because of my night owl ways, I record this a bit late. I'm also feeling a bit loose and loopy and I sing a bit more than I should. I talk about the rather overrated Hangover and Patrick Swayze's death and how I once thought Dirty Dancing was real. What do you want from me? I was a kid.
There's barely any news before I talk about possibly my favorite trade of the series, Lucifer: The Divine Comedy (Mike Carey, Peter Gross). It is divine but I don't know what's so comedic about it.
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mike carey,
peter gross,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, September 13
Episode 31: First Life Lesson
In this episode, I talk about the first life lesson I've ever learned, how crappy Batman: Arkham Asylum's combat truly is, the new Blueprint 3 album and my new favorite website Flickchart.
There's some news and I go over The Saga of the Swamp Thing, Vol. 1 (Alan Moore).
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There's some news and I go over The Saga of the Swamp Thing, Vol. 1 (Alan Moore).
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Alan Moore,
Swamp Thing,
Vertigo comics
Thursday, September 10
Episode 30: Do You Believe?
This episode may be a few days late but don't worry, it's a good one. At least I hope it is. I discuss Labor Day weekend, the Bay Bridge closing, Stephen Jackson's departure, the state of swap meets and the Confessions of a Shopaholic movie.
There's no news this week but I do go over The Sandman: Fables and Reflections (Neil Gaiman).
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There's no news this week but I do go over The Sandman: Fables and Reflections (Neil Gaiman).
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Neil Gaiman,
the sandman,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, August 30
Episode 29: Ice Cream and Cake and Cake
In this episode, I'm craving for some ice cream and cake. I also give my spoiler-free review of District 9. I talk about some video games because for some reason I'm starting to game a lot more. There's even a Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reference somewhere in here.
I go over some Vertigo news and talk about Faker (Mike Carey, Jock).
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I go over some Vertigo news and talk about Faker (Mike Carey, Jock).
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mike carey,
Vertigo comics
Saturday, August 22
Episode 28: Why So Serious?
I start off this episode talking about the problems with the Internet, how people take what I say the wrong way and why you shouldn't things so seriously especially from a stranger. I then move on and talk about some football specifically Mr. Attention Whore, Brett Favre, and Michael Vick.
Lastly, I go over some news and review the rather long book, War Stories: Vol. 2 (Garth Ennis).
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Lastly, I go over some news and review the rather long book, War Stories: Vol. 2 (Garth Ennis).
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Garth Ennis,
Vertigo comics,
War Stories
Sunday, August 16
Episode 27: Carry On My Wayward Son
Thus begins a new era for V for Vertigo. I talk about some of the changes that's going to happen with the show and of course, random things such as Turtles in Time and Batman: Arkham Asylum.
There's a wee bit of news and I finish things up by covering Lucifer: A Dalliance with the Damned (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
And on the seventh day, I rested.
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There's a wee bit of news and I finish things up by covering Lucifer: A Dalliance with the Damned (Mike Carey, Peter Gross).
And on the seventh day, I rested.
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mike carey,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, August 9
Episode 26: And Then There Was One
We say goodbye to one of the hosts although to be honest, you could see it coming. There's also tons of pre-SDCC, at SDCC, and post-SDCC news to talk about. The boys talk about some John Hughes and even John Candy movies. RIP John Hughes.
They cover The Sandman: A Game of You (Neil Gaiman) and Gangland.
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They cover The Sandman: A Game of You (Neil Gaiman) and Gangland.
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Neil Gaiman,
the sandman,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, July 12
Episode 25: At the End of the Day
At the end of the day, the boys discuss some Star Trek, some Transformers, a bit of Reborn, the Mario Marathon, and some comic movie casting. There's also Vertigo news. Marc tries to give it a 110% but it's hard when both teams don't play hard, my man. At the end of the day, we are talking 'bout podcasting. Podcasting. Not a game, not a game.
They both go over Lucifer: Children & Monsters (Mike Carey, Peter Gross) but only Marc has read and discusses Air: Love Letters from Lost Countries (G. Willow Wilson, M.K. Perker).
At the end of the day, it is what it is.
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They both go over Lucifer: Children & Monsters (Mike Carey, Peter Gross) but only Marc has read and discusses Air: Love Letters from Lost Countries (G. Willow Wilson, M.K. Perker).
At the end of the day, it is what it is.
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g. willow wilson,
m.k. perker,
mike carey,
peter gross,
Vertigo comics
Saturday, June 27
Episode 24: Show Me Yours, I'll Show You Mine
We're back with a normal episode where we discuss Michael Jackson's death, Jonathan's report on Heroescon and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. There's also lots of Vertigo news.
We go over and actually agree on something when it comes to The Filth (Grant Morrison) and The Sandman: Season of Mists (Neil Gaiman).
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We go over and actually agree on something when it comes to The Filth (Grant Morrison) and The Sandman: Season of Mists (Neil Gaiman).
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Grant Morrison,
Neil Gaiman,
The Filth,
the sandman,
Vertigo comics
Saturday, June 20
Episode 23: Hijacked!
I'm taking over and throwing everything out the window this episode. Jonathan's gone so it's just me, Marc. I know most of you couldn't wait a month to listen to another episode so I decided to record one with a couple of guest hosts. We're not talking about Vertigo comics but we are talking about everything from sports, video games, movies, dating and high school. Hang on to your hats folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
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Sunday, June 7
Episode 22: The Ship is Sinking
Marc's a bit tipsy in the episode as he's drinking while they're recording. So if he doesn't make sense, which he won't, you can blame the alcohol. Can you keep up with him? As usual, Marc isn't serious about anything he says, so don't take it personally. Jonathan, on the other hand, is Mr. Negative Nancy. He hates the books, gays, blacks, the show, and of course, Marc.
They review Lucifer: Devil in the Gateway (Mike Carey) and Jack of Fables: Jack of Hearts (Bill Willingham).
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They review Lucifer: Devil in the Gateway (Mike Carey) and Jack of Fables: Jack of Hearts (Bill Willingham).
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Bill Willingham,
Jack of Fables,
mike carey,
peter gross,
Vertigo comics
Saturday, May 23
Episode 21: V for Various
In this episode, the boys talk about Star Trek, Terminator: Salvation and the season finales of Supernatural, Lost, 24, Heroes and others. Spoiler alert. I repeat, spoiler alert. They also debate whether or not Star Wars is fantasy or sci-fi.
When they finally talk about comics, they cover Barnum! (Chaykin, Tischman) and The Sandman: Dream Country (Neil Gaiman).
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When they finally talk about comics, they cover Barnum! (Chaykin, Tischman) and The Sandman: Dream Country (Neil Gaiman).
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Neil Gaiman,
the sandman,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, May 10
Episode 20: Marc's Gonna Burn
In this rather religious episode, Marc's picks don't portray God in the best of light, if you believe in such things. Jonathan doesn't know that there's no basement in the Alamo.
It's been a long road but the boys finally finished covering the entire series of Preacher with Preacher: Alamo (Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon). There's also new, funny and awkward segments such as a Top 3, Roleplay and Casting Call. They also cover Proposition Player (Bill Willingham).
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It's been a long road but the boys finally finished covering the entire series of Preacher with Preacher: Alamo (Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon). There's also new, funny and awkward segments such as a Top 3, Roleplay and Casting Call. They also cover Proposition Player (Bill Willingham).
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Saturday, April 25
Episode 19: My Mind's Telling Me Nooo!
This ain't the greatest episode, but they can't all be winners. The boys talk about Jim Carrey, NBA playoffs, annoying neighbors and celebrity porn.
They cover The Sandman: The Doll's House (Neil Gaiman) and Crossing Midnight: Cut Here (Mike Carey, Jim Fern).
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They cover The Sandman: The Doll's House (Neil Gaiman) and Crossing Midnight: Cut Here (Mike Carey, Jim Fern).
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Crossing Midnight,
Jim Fern,
mike carey,
Neil Gaiman,
the sandman,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, April 12
Episode 18: We Are Gods!
Things start off a little slow this episode. I think it's the drug induced stupor the boys are in. However, once things get going they ramble about movies, bagging comics, video games, books and eventually comics. This is one long episode about nothing.
They review House of Mystery: Room and Boredom (Sturges, Willingham, Rossi) and Preacher: All Hell's A-Coming (Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon).
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They review House of Mystery: Room and Boredom (Sturges, Willingham, Rossi) and Preacher: All Hell's A-Coming (Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon).
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Garth Ennis,
House of Mystery,
Steve Dillon,
Vertigo comics
Wednesday, April 1
Episode 17: Waterfall Urinal
Marc talks about the wedding he went to, which includes a waterfall urinal. There's also some discussion about podcasts and spoilers on the BSG finale. The boys also have an announcement.
They cover their namesake by reviewing V for Vendetta (Alan Moore, David Lloyd) and V for Vendetta (Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving).
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They cover their namesake by reviewing V for Vendetta (Alan Moore, David Lloyd) and V for Vendetta (Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving).
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Sunday, March 15
Episode 16: Dogma
In this episode, the boys talk about the failure of Watchmen. Also, considering the books they cover, it's no wonder there's an argument over religion, God and the like.
The books to kick this up are Testament: Akedah (Douglas Rushkoff, Liam Sharp) and Preacher: Salvation (Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon).
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The books to kick this up are Testament: Akedah (Douglas Rushkoff, Liam Sharp) and Preacher: Salvation (Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon).
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Douglas Rushkoff,
Garth Ennis,
Liam Sharp,
Steve Dillon,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, March 1
Episode 15: Once Upon A Time
Jonathan's moving so to fill in is a special guest. We talk about Wondercon, $100 autographs and Easter candy.
We also go over Fables and fairytales in general. They're Fables: March of the Wooden Soldiers (Bill Willingham) and Jack of Fables (Bill Willingham).
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We also go over Fables and fairytales in general. They're Fables: March of the Wooden Soldiers (Bill Willingham) and Jack of Fables (Bill Willingham).
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Bill Willingham,
Jack of Fables,
Vertigo comics
Sunday, February 15
Search for a New Host
As mentioned in Episode 14, we're looking for a new host to take Rebecca's spot since we've lost her to W.O.W.
There's only a few things you need to do if you're interested.
1. Email us an mp3 file of you discussing two Vertigo books. One you hate and one you love.
2. Have a decent headset.
3. Have Skype.
4. Be able to record on the weekends, preferably Saturday.
5. Be opinionated.
6. Talk.
7. Read the books.
8. Show up.
9. Have fun
Did I say a few? I lied.
There's only a few things you need to do if you're interested.
1. Email us an mp3 file of you discussing two Vertigo books. One you hate and one you love.
2. Have a decent headset.
3. Have Skype.
4. Be able to record on the weekends, preferably Saturday.
5. Be opinionated.
6. Talk.
7. Read the books.
8. Show up.
9. Have fun
Did I say a few? I lied.
Episode 14: Valentine's Day Sucks
The title pretty much explains it all and we've also lost a host. Rebecca has been sucked into the vortex known as W.O.W. We're looking for a new host and it could be you, but as the saying goes, the show must go on.
There's a whole lotta news from New York Comic Con. We also try to deduce a couple of mysteries. They're Scene of the Crime: A Little Piece of Goodnight (Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark) and Constantine, Hellblazer: All His Engines (Mike Carey & Leonardo Manco).
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There's a whole lotta news from New York Comic Con. We also try to deduce a couple of mysteries. They're Scene of the Crime: A Little Piece of Goodnight (Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark) and Constantine, Hellblazer: All His Engines (Mike Carey & Leonardo Manco).
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Saturday, January 31
Episode 13: Coughing Panda
Rebecca's MIA and we don't know why. We also probably spend too much time talking about Forum Static and various other things.
We also review Preacher: War in the Sun (Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon) and DMZ: On the Ground (Brian Wood, Riccardo Burchielli).
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We also review Preacher: War in the Sun (Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon) and DMZ: On the Ground (Brian Wood, Riccardo Burchielli).
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Brian Wood,
Garth Ennis,
Riccardo Burchielli,
Steve Dillon,
Vertigo comics
Saturday, January 17
Episode 12: Very Bondish
In this episode, we review two stories where the protagonists could easily kill their adversaries but don't. They are Fables: Storybook Love (Bill Willingham) and Northlanders: Sven the Returned (Brian Wood, Davide Gianfelice). At least they don't leave them with an inept guard but it's close enough. As usual, there's lots of arguing and not necessarily over the books.
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Bill Willingham,
Brian Wood,
Davide Gianfelice,
Vertigo comics
Saturday, January 3
Episode 11: Not a Merry New Year
The gang's all together again. We start off cordial, discussing the holidays and what we got. Suddenly, there are arguments and fights all over the place. Who's right? So much for the holiday spirit and the new year.
Some of us go over War Stories, Vol. 1 (Garth Ennis) and The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes (Neil Gaiman). You can do what the other person does—sit back and enjoy the show.
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Some of us go over War Stories, Vol. 1 (Garth Ennis) and The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes (Neil Gaiman). You can do what the other person does—sit back and enjoy the show.
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Garth Ennis,
Neil Gaiman,
the sandman,
Vertigo comics,
War Stories

Here's the deal: the first three people that post this sign at their local comic shop, and provide photographic proof on our forum, win a trade. Your choice of: House of Secrets vol. 1, Preacher vol. 1 & 2, Scalped vol. 1, American Virgin vol. 1, Crossing Midnight vol. 1, or any trade from In-Stock Trades under $10.
Download it here.
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